The voice, not an echo

Award-winning independent digital local publishing since 2010

Since 2010, we’ve been delivering daily news to people living, working and studying in the city of Lincoln and the county of Lincolnshire — with unparalleled reach.

701,594 monthly readers

Google Analytics, unique users, November 2023

68% of users from Greater Lincolnshire region

250,000+ social followers

on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

84% of our readers visit from smartphones and tablets

Find us on

MyLocal is our new home, with a dedicated app and website for all of Lincolnshire and beyond

A seamless experience

Across all devices with the fully responsive MyLocal website and app

Leading the digital revolution in local publishing

Grow with our audience

We reach people across Greater Lincolnshire and beyond from all age groups, so you can always rest assured your message will be seen

by gender sample

by age sample

Welcome to the ultimate advertising platform in Lincolnshire! Here at The Lincolnite, in collaboration with MyLocal, we pride ourselves on being the region's favourite news destination.

We're not just about delivering news; we're about amplifying your voice and showcasing your brand to a wide and engaged audience across Lincolnshire and beyond.

Let’s discuss your campaign and marketing strategy ideas!

Get in touch if you’d like to tailor your campaigns to our readers.

01522 396338

Sparkhouse, Rope Walk, Lincoln, LN6 7DQ, UK

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Trust is our currency

With top marks from NewsGuard, you can be confident your advertising is in safe hands. We run our own network and have no pop-ups or pesky links either. 


The voice, not an echo

IMPRESS is at the vanguard of a new, positive future for news publishers, ensuring quality independent journalism flourishes in a digital age. Just like us, our regulator is designed for the future of media, building on the core principles of the past, protecting journalism, while innovating to deal with the challenges of the digital age.